Reservoir Characterisation Toolkit - GeoSoftware
Multi-Well Log Analysis
Powerful Petrophysics tool for log preparation, rock physics modelling & minerology statistics
Interactive QI
Comprehensive easy-to-use QI suite incl. inversion, AVO, 4D, Multi Component, Azimuthal & Machine Learning
Jason Workbench
Advanced QI
Tool rich in paramaterisations and QC controls for the more detailed studies typically on geological challenging fields
Training Solutions
Training: Public classes | On-site or virtual | Customised training
Mentoring: On the job training | Peer review sessions
The GeoSoftware Virtual Server: Everything installed and ready to go! | Up to 10 trainees
Services Overview
Types of studies:
Full integrated studies
R&D collaborations
The services we offer can be grouped into 5 main disciplines/categories:
Rock Physics
Advanced Reservoir Characterisation
Specialist studies and Research & Development
Machine Learning
Rock Physics
Seismic Conditioning
AVO analysis and modeling
Deterministic Inversion (PPPS/Azimuthal/4D) + EEI and Colored algorithms
Lithofacies classification and fluid probabilities
Geostatistical Stochastic Inversion / Integrated Reservoir Characterization (PPPS/Azimuthal/4D)
Machine Learning
4D Technologies
Azimuthal Technologies
Energy Transition